JUNE 2022
Imma participated as a lecturer in the EU-COST FIRELINKS Summer school 'Bridging the gap between fire ecology and fire behaviour' (13-16 June) in Barcelona (. Carlota and Ruth participated as attendants. https://firelinks.eu/event/bridging-the-gap-between-fire-ecology-and-fire-behaviour-2022-summer-school-in-barcelona/
Imma, Tina, Carlota and Ty presented their work at the GTOE Conference in Tropical Ecology in Montpellier (6-9 June)
APRIL 2022
New publication led by former group member Simone Matias Reis in Journal of Ecology on tree mortality at the forest-savanna transition in Brazil.
New publication led by former PhD student Halina Jaconski in Biotropica! We worte this paper while two of the main authors (Halina & Marina) were taking care of newborns :-)
Imma starts a new job as Research Director at IRD (Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement)! Her post is based at the botAny and Modelling of Plant Architecture and vegetation (AMAP) joint research unit.
Imma travels to Brazil to do fieldwork in the CerFogo project (first trip in two years!) and work with collaborators Maria Antonia Carniello (UNEMAT) and Luiz Gustavo Goncalves (ICMBio)
​New publication led by Tina Christmann, with a synthesis of research on restoration in tropical montane forests
Imma got awarded a 4-year NERC Standard Grant on the Vulnerability of Amazon and transitional forests to altered fire regimes. Stay tuned to updates!
Thank you to the Department of Ecoinformatics, Northern Arizona University, for inviting Imma to give a seminar on effects of global change on tropical forest transitions.
New publication led by Sean Reilly on the usefulness of UAV and UAS data for mapping burned forests in California. This is Sean's first publication! #ProudSupervisor
Listen to the podcast 'The science behind forest fires' in which Imma talks about the new reality about forest fires
JULY 2021
New publication led by Tina Christmann on the ecology of tree islands in the stunning and highly vulnerable campus rupestres of Brazil. This is also Tina's first scientific publication! #ProudSupervisor
JUNE 2021
Congratulations to Takeshi Inagawa for passing his DPhil viva with minor corrections! Imma was internal examiner.
On the 26th June we made a socially-distanced farewell to Ricardo and Thayse who went back to Brazil after spending 18 months in Oxford (essentially in lockdown). Ricardo will continue working with the group, as long as baby Teresa let's him work!
New publication led by Charlie Tebbutt on the socioeconomics drivers of fires in Colombia's Amazon. You can read some highlights here and here. This was Charlie's first scientific publication!!!! #ProudSupervisor
Congratulations to Dr Javier Galán (Universidad de Sevilla, Spain) for passing his viva with flying colours on 1st June 2021, and Imma being part of the examinor committee.
MAY 2021
Imma participating in a stimulating 3-day Workshop on 'New Directions in Fire ecology and fre modelling' organised by the Leverhulme Wildfire Centre.
APRIL 2021
I am happy to announce that Dr Wesley Jonatar Alves da Cruz is joining our team this month. He will be working in the project CerFogo and continue based in Caceres (Brazil), from where he will help coordinate the project and lead data analyses and research deliverables.
MARCH 2021
15-19 March: Imma delivered a course on 'Remote Sensing with Google Earth Engine' in partnership with TrasmittingScience.
12 March: It's Friday week 8! This marks the end of Hilary Term and a break in Imma's teaching schedule. This was a term full of online teaching and a lot of zoom fatigue. A special thanks to the students for attending, making an effort to turn on cameras when having disussions, and for engaging with the lectures.
11 March: Tina gave a webinar for the 'Virtual coffee on Tropical Forests', organised by Dr. Aida Cuni-Sanchez.
9 February; Imma is giving a seminar “Ecological mechanisms of tropical vegetation transitions for co-existing with abiotic stressors and disturbances" at de Department of Botany, University of British Columbia, hosted by Dr Sean Michaletz. The talk will be 12.30pm PT, contact Imma or Sean if you'd like to join!.
2 February DPhil reseracher Tina Christmann has given a lecture on Restoring Tropical Mountain Ecosystems
for the Oxford Climate School. Slides available here.
New publication in Ecosphere, led by Prof Dolors Armenteras, showing how fire causes savanna encroachment in the Orinoco basin.
We start the year in national lockdown and back to working from home fulltime. The group meets every two weeks via Zoom (please get in touch if you would be interested in joining a meeting).