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Disturbance Ecology and Global Change Research Group

Working philosophy, norms and values


Members of the Disturbance Ecology and Global Change (DISCO) research group met during several weeks (both online and in person) to ellaborate a document that would contain the group's working philosophy, the norms and values to be held as a member of the group. 

We obtained a live document, which will be reviewed at least once a year, and that is available upon request in English, Spanish and Portuguese (Chinese and French may be also available in the near future)


We are a dynamic community of academics at different career stages fostering an inclusive, equitable, and supportive academic environment based on open and mindful communication, life-work

balance, respect and kindness, and a strong stand for values. We respect and support

everyone regardless of career stage, gender, sexual orientation, culture, language, and


























The values and norms of the Disco research group are based on a culture of engagement,

inclusiveness, and diversity. The norms of the group work to reflect this culture through our

day-to-day interactions. These norms are consistent across both research and social

aspects of the lab work and routine to ensure a good working environment and an ethical

way of doing research.


The DISCO Group’s mentorship philosophy aims to balance guidance on academic work

with socializing and respect for work-life boundaries. There is active communication to manage both supervisor and supervisees expectations.  We strive to balance constructive criticism with acknowledgement of good work.


In case of conflict, we hold these key areas as essential:  self-awareness, be mindful of personal behavior throughout the conflict, respect other perspectives, remember the context within which the

conflict occurs, and seek additional resources for conflict resolution.


If you would like to know more, do not hesitate to contact us. If you are interested in joining the group, send a short letter of application (300 words max, be specific on why you what to join this group and what you would like to do), a CV and - if possible - funding possibilities to Imma. Thank you!












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